
Miss. Aparna Nihaldaran

I am currently studying a masters™s in advanced physics in Loughborough university. My current master’s research project is on analysing soliton waves in the non-linear Schrodinger equation using the Koopman operator. My aim from this project is to find a mathematical method that can characterise any given localised (especially time-localised or even spatial-localised) and extended fields which would not only have an impact in the field of optics when using high powered lasers with characteristics such as varying intensity but also in having a deeper understanding various physical phenomena in quantum physics with localised and extended quantum fields and localisation. Even extended to condensed matter physics would give a better understanding of electron localisation, energy band structure and study of quasiparticles in solids. Some of my past undergraduate projects were in quantum transmission in a crystal structure, application of quantum anomaly detection algorithms and wind turbine blade design analysis.