
Mr. Sergey Orlov

Orlov Sergey Alexandrovich Year of birth: December 6, 1957 Place of birth: USSR,Petrozavodsk Studied at Petrozavodsk State University. In 1985 he entered graduate school at the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute Worked as a civil engineer. In 2004 he published his theory “Vortex gravity, cosmology and cosmogony. From 2004 to the present, based on his theory, he published the following scientific research 1. Fundamentals of vortex gravity, cosmology and cosmogony 2. Gravitational Properties of the Atom 3. Genesis of planet Earth 4. On the optimal trajectory in space flight 5. Reasons for the removal of the Moon 6. Paradoxes of the theory of gravity 7. What is a Black Hole 8. On the invariance of the speed of light 9. Equivalence of energy and mass of atomic gravity. 10. Why did worldwide glaciations occur?